About Us

Rainbow Hub Waikato is a non-profit organisation that began as “Waikato Queer Youth” in 2005. We started as a small group of people passionate about supporting young people to have a community that affirms their identities.

In May 2021 we restructured our organisation to recognise and grow the support we provide for rainbow folks of all ages and Rainbow Hub Waikato was created to reflect our communities. Today we support people across the Waikato and are in an exciting period of growth as we establish and collaborate on new projects and services.

Enabled by a passionate group of employees, volunteers and community members, Rainbow Hub Waikato is focused on offering hope to people of all ages. We strive to empower spaces for people to celebrate who they are, through positive, identity-affirming community building, fun and friendships.

Our Vision and Mission:

– Our Vision:

An inclusive and diverse Waikato where all people thrive and feel empowered to be themselves.

– Our Mission:

Resilient communities for people of diverse Rainbow identities. 

Ngaa Pou | Strategic Goals

Hapori | Community

To connect people into a community that is rich with diversity, celebrates inclusivity, and builds authentic and healthy relationships.

Taupua | Support

To provide practical and social support where people can flourish through strong self-identity, and connect into services to empower their wellbeing.

Ako | Education

To promote educational opportunities so people and communities can grow to truly embrace all Rainbow identities, and demonstrate advocacy and allyship.

Hapahapai | Endurance

To cement Rainbow Hub Waikato with governance and operational capacity to sustain and flourish in shifting financial and social climates.

Whanonga Pono | Values

Whanaungatanga | Building connections and

Encouraging the development of relationships through connection and support to provide a sense of belonging.


Manaakitanga | Working together with respect and integrity

Showing respect, generosity, and care through actions that uphold communities’ and individuals’ mana.

Wairuatanga | Prioritising wellbeing and
sense of self

Supporting enrichment of wellbeing through celebrating and developing identity and autonomy.

Kotahitanga | Working together in unity

Encouraging empowerment through collective goals in celebration of individuality and shared experiences.

Our Funders and Sponsors:

A massive thank you to our past and present funders and sponsors. This includes but is not limited to:

Community Organisation Grants Scheme Kirikiriroa Hamilton

Community Organisation Grants Scheme Waikato South

Community Organisation Grants Scheme Waikato West,

DV Bryant Trust

Frozen Funds Charitable Trust

Hamilton City Council

Individual and group donors

Jumble Around

Len Reynolds Trust,

Lottery Grants Board

Ministry of Social Development,

Ministry of Youth Development

New Zealand Communities Growth Trust

Sargood Bequest

SkyCity Hamilton Community Trust

Te Aka Whai Ora Māori Health Authority

Te Korowai Whetū Social Cohesion Community Fund

Tindall Foundation

Trust Waikato

WEL Energy Trust