Meet the Board

Co-Chair Richard – He/Him.

Richard has been involved in inclusive sports since 2018, then moved to Kirikiriroa in 2023 for his own studies, and that was the time he joined the board of Rainbow Hub Waikato. As the current Co-chair, he is committed to ensuring the organisation is empowering our queer community within the Waikato region.

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Co-Chair Esmarelda – She/Her.

Esmarelda was asked by a friend to join the board to be a younger voice, and she aims to be just that. She is very happy helping out wherever she’s needed, and aims to help keep RHW the safe and welcoming space it was for her when she first found it.

Louise – She/They.

Louise is a board member here to support the Rainbow Hub kaupapa in any way she can. She is into arts and crafts, DnD and occasionally performing on stage. She is also a parent of 3 teenagers.

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Penny – She/Her.

Formerly the chairperson for 2022 & 2023, Penny has stepped down to a regular board member to allow other members to gain skills and take charge for a while. Penny has a big personal drive to make the world a better place and since she loves spreadsheets so much, being on the board is just one more way she can help to make a positive impact.

Sarah – She Her.

Sarah is a board member and believes strong, successful businesses need to include diversity. She is passionate that people have places and people to support and encourage their growth.

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Interested in our team?

Learn more about the people behind the day to day operations of Rainbow Hub Waikato, as well as our values, via our Meet the Team page!